How to Avoid Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Scam

You Might Be A Victim Of This!!!

Almost two-third of internet users find the ways to earn money online and they come to visit several kinds of webpages and platforms as well...

In today’s world, life has become imperceptible without the internet and a person can’t be imagined having not a smartphone or some sort of network connection. But this change has also led to amply frauds and scams. As everyone wants money using or without using the internet, this quest has surged particularly in the internet world, almost every person or say two-third of internet users find the ways to earn money online and they come to visit several kinds of webpages and platforms as well. But this quest also raises various question:

  • What is the legitimacy of these earning sources?
  • How far they are authentic and trusted?
  • Do they have legit licence, or they are scams and frauds?

In this article, you will learn about the worst frauds of the internet world, and which are still hidden by a lot of people. Although, internet users take great benefits of this modern technology, and it has eased various sort of traditional methods including Net-banking, online shopping, money exchange etc. but as much these make the life easier, they also lead to innumerable concerns regarding the users’ privacy as well as their security online. A user must be very careful about the online security and privacy because of a worrying trend, i.e. online scams.

Bitcoin Fraud or Cryptocurrency Fraud

Internet users, these days are so curious about cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin etc.) and eager to invest and trade in this way so that they can double and triple their amount in just few hours or days. But if you are the one of those people who want to go through it, then it is for you, and you will know why’s it’s so easy for scammers to steal our money Cryptocurrency fraud.

Cryptocurrency is the worst and biggest scam of all time. In particular, the bitcoin scammers get the great advantage of users giving them free bitcoin giveaways as this is the most popular and trending crypto. With the increasing popularity of bitcoin, fraudsters and scammers are taking advantage of this popularity by victimizing the users in the name of bitcoin and earning millions of dollars in a few days. These fraudsters make fool innocent users and newcomers by notifying them that for receiving free giveaways or making a huge return they must have to spend some money on registration. The scammers ask you to invest some amount, in particular, to earn bitcoins in exchange of dollars, euros or other currencies.

So, if you intend to land on any such platform then before considering it check out this article thoroughly and decide what is safe for you or what’s not.

How to avoid Bitcoin Fraud?

Before investing on any crypto exchange and investment platform, it is the most important for you to do a thorough research on it whether it is legit or not, what the are the experiences of prior users. The research shouldn’t be limited to some google search results, rather you must visit some social Q&A platform like Reddit, Quora etc. where you will surely find several experienced users including victims.

People also search: How to prevent from cryptocurrency fraud

YouTube and Dailymotion videos would also be useful to your query. Because we have number of examples of the sufferers who have been victimized by such scams and they don’t have a legal way to file the report against what they suffered.

Phishing scam:

Phishing is also one of the most trending online scams that caused thousands to bankrupt. If you receive an email that asks you to log in your bank account and update details despite it resembles to your bank, or you are provided a link to redirect you to a relevant page, then it is not from your bank. You may also receive an email from a random email address who ask you to provide your personal details and bank account narrating that he or she wants to transfer his/her billion dollars legacy. Sometimes you might be asked to reply on the given email address in the receiving email and the sender disguised a Financial Consultant, CEO of an insurance company, or he/she might assert as a widower or an employee from a bank etc.

So, before you go ahead with the given process there, you are advised to read this article before it.

How you can avoid phishing fraud?

  • When you receive an email, first check the sender email address, and notice your email is in BCC or To column. BCC directly depicts the sender is scammer, but it doesn’t mean that To asserts the authenticity of the email.
  • Check is there any protected sign like🔒 or 🔑is shown right after the sender email address or written something Standard encryption (TLS) etc. if it is not there, don’t do anything told in it.
  • If you are provided a link to click on it, never do it.
  • Still you are unsure, then find the email domain ( on Google or legitimate contact number and call the company. Also remember a legitimate company never uses common email domains like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.


In short, the online scam involves various kinds of tricks to steal the users’ data and money given multitude links, forms, email addresses even mobile numbers. Therefore, before you consider going through with any of such option, kindly make a thorough research so that you can prevent yourself from being a victim.

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