15 Turkish Words You Should Never Use

Turkish Slang Words
Are you learning the Turkish language? if yes! you must be aware of  these 15 words and be careful of using them. You may encounter these words in colloquial Turkish which perhaps you won’t be able to learn through your official Turkish language curriculum. But it is important to understand some words of a new learning language as they might be slang among its native speakers.

These words are in fact slang and abusive words in the Turkish language, and they are uttered for a curse or swear. So, the forewords by me never try to bring them in your communication since you are aware of their exact meanings and their usage, otherwise, the consequences are on you. 


What are the Turkish Slang Words or Bad Words?

Turkish slang words refer to the abusive, offensive, and swear words in the Turkish language spoken by the native speakers in certain moods and situations. Some most common Turkish slang words are as follows:

1. Allah kahretsin (God damn you)

Literally means God damn you, Allah kahretsin is considered as the curse among the Turkish people. Turkish people use this when they are really pissed at someone/thing, they curse at someone or to swear one.

2. Domuz (Pig)

This is an abusive word used by the Turkish people to insult or degrade someone as they refer to another as a pig.

3. Geber (Die)

In a literal sense, geber means die. This Turkish slang is uttered in the sense of fuck off, fuck you, etc. or to curse at someone.

4. Hayvan (Animal)

This offensive word is used to call someone beast or savage. Turkish people usually spit this in an angry situation.

5. Hıyar (Cucumber)

Literally means cucumber (a vegetable), Hıyar is used as an abusive word to call someone dickhead or cock. 

In order to refer to cucumber, it requires the word salatalık to be prefixed.

6. It (Dog)

This is an offensive word used to call someone a dog or a beast.

7. Kes sesini (Shut up)

This is considered as the insulting one among Turkish people and it is used to stop one’s talk making him/her contempt. Kes sesini is usually used in a high anger mood. 

Other related words in the same context include: Sus and Hişt

8. Mal (Idiot)

Literally means idiotMal is used in Turkish to call someone foolish, goofy, or stupid. While it is not unusual among close friends.

9. Manyak (Maniac)

This is an English word in its origin, has the exact meaning: insane or widely disordered. Turkish people use it to swear someone. Like Mal, Manyak is also used in a playful mood. 

10. Orospu (Bitch)

Literally means bitch, it is a swear word used to utter obscenity or profanity about someone just as it is used in English.

11. Orospu çocuğu (Son of a bitch)

Literally means son of a bitch, this is the slang that has the exact use as the above one.

12. Piç (Bastard)

This is extreme slang which literally means bastardPiç is used to disdain and insult someone or the one who acts ridiculous. As its meaning indicates, this offensive word also comes to address an illegitimate offspring.

13. Siktir git (Fuck off)

This is one of the vulgar words used by Turkish people. Literally means go away, it is used to say fuck off, penis, twat, asshole, jerk off, motherfucker, etc. Turkish people also utter this in the sense of bullshit when they find something absurd or else.

14. Şerefsiz (Dishonest)

Şerefsiz is an offensive word uttered for a dishonorable and disgraceful person. It is also used in an angry mood.

15. Terbiyesiz (Ill-mannered)

Literally means ill-mannered or brash, this word is usually uttered in a playful way to tease your closest one, especially your spouse. Also, it comes to addressing one who is rude.


Hopefully, you have found this article helpful, and it brought you closer to the argot expressions of the Turkish language. In the end, I would recall my above words that never use these Turkish words since you have learned about them.


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