Merry Christmas: A Festive Season and Our Feelings

Merry Christmas: A Festive Season and Our Feelings

Christmas, the time of happiness and love is not a felicitous time for everyone. Although, Christmas is the most awaited time of the year as it brings happiness, love, and celebrations.

It is commonly assumed that we must have to be happy and celebrate lavishly the Christmas even the whole Christmas month, December. However, Christmas never means that one must have to force himself to feel happy, show enthusiasm, and cherish at all costs. Rather, Christmas in fact is the season to shine, grow and take care of oneself. It means to realize and acknowledge what takes you peace, hope, and joy during this lovely festive season.

By the time, as Christmas comes, the houses, churches, streets, and cities begin to illuminate idyllically and charmingly. The festive environment of the cities and even countries fill the air and the minds of the people. Families & friends make plans for holidays, the bulk of Christmas cards, wishing emails & messages arrive and massive gifts are bought for loved ones. Everyone feels joyful and spends time giving, receiving, and sharing.

Since the whole Christmas season spans full of happiness, entertainment, and love, there is another side of the coin. A lot of people are around us for whom the situation is quite different or opposite, and this festive season for them has been filled with nostalgia, sadness, sorrow, stress, frustration, and even pain. Such feelings might be directly related to their personal life and experiences. And once a time when this Christmas they meant a lot and they collected a lot of memories and when they were most strongly known.

What do you think about Christmas?

Christmas, the time of happiness and love is not a felicitous time for everyone. Although, Christmas is the most awaited time of the year as it brings happiness, love, and celebrations. However, it is not true for everyone as each one has its own feeling and past experiences and so on.

Children are happiest at Christmas. For them, Christmas means lots of gifts, school holidays, big feasts, family reunions, fun activities, and of course the Magical Santa.

On the contrary feelings of anxiety and stress is not uncommon among adults during Christmas. It can be extremely stressful and hectic due to several reasons, such as the pressure of work and commitment to completing projects on time; business dinners, parties, and other social commitments; maintaining budgets; planning meals, and buying expensive gifts. Sometimes it becomes as agitative as instead of enjoying, people begin to hate occasions. Also, the recent demise and separation from loved ones can negatively impact the individual mood and enthusiasm for the celebration.

Christmas & Psychology

Christmas or any festival doesn’t mean forcing yourself to be happy. According to psychologists, one should not force him/herself to feel happy just to fit in the social strata. Instead, people should focus on their own selves, reflect on emotions, feelings, and happiness as well as glitter themselves at these gleaming times.

Tackle with Unhappiness

One of the best ways to cope with the situation is to channel your emotions into perspective. There is no need to feel pressure and take the burden on yourself to attend every event or celebration. Treat Christmas like any other season where you represent your emotions and feel on your own terms and conditions without taking any external load.

Set new goals

Setting new goals is the first step toward improvement. It is very important to note down your negative emotions and strive for improvement as well as positive change. Reflect your emotions and give yourself a chance to channel your feelings making your mindset and set your goals then go ahead with small steps towards big change.

Power of Positive Change

It is considered that you reflect what you feel. Emotions control individual moods and attitudes while negative thoughts cause hopelessness and depression. On the other hand, positive thinking promotes happiness and boosts confidence, also it changes mood for the better.

Instead of leaving Christmas with grief, you must try to associate it with happiness, hope, and joy. Try to constrain negative thoughts and prioritize your happiness and positive thinking.

Emotional Psychology plays a key role in your well-being.

It is not uncommon to feel ambiguous and suffer from contradictory feelings during this time. However, there is always room for improvement, so, reflect on your feelings and represent your emotions. Do not hesitate to speak your heart and kick the gloomy thoughts inside you. Avoid what makes you uncomfortable and enjoy your time with families and friends. Don't stress yourself to be happy when you don't want to become and try to stay positive.

In the end, always remember it's never too late to take action and change negative into positive.

So, wish you a very very happy Merry Christmas!!!

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