How to Change Default Browser in Windows 11

Change Default Browser Setting in Windows 11

Although Windows 11 is available to all and ready to install in your device, however before you go ahead with it you must know some annoyances features of this latest Microsoft OS. Among many worst features, you will face default web browser feature that doesn’t simply and easily switch to your new default browser eg. Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc.

How to Change Default Browser in Windows 11

As like ever, Windows 11 installs Microsoft Edge as its default browser but this time is a bit irritant as it doesn’t easily switch to another browser rather requires some necessary manual changes in the settings.

Like previous Windows where you may easily change default settings during installation, in the latest Windows 11 you must take some difficult steps that are not just annoying, also take lot of time. If you want to switch your default web browser from Microsoft Edge, you'll have to manually change the assignment for several file types from the settings like .htm, .html, .shtml etc. in fact, the settings you will find for making changes i.e. ‘Default Browser’ isn’t available directly in Windows 11 as you may have find in Windows 7, 8 & 10 etc. Additionally, you perform these annoying steps though, but be ready for seeing Microsoft Edge again if you perform the Windows search, widget panel and so on because they don’t escape Edge.

Further, the option for applying to default in Chrome and Opera browsers is unable to change by default Windows 11 Edge setting, instead, doing this you would be directed to Default Apps menu in your PC to do it on your own. Though Firefox was able to do the same task by itself but unfortunately it was failed to apply these on each Web URLs types and you have to do this by your own.

People also ask: How to fix opening Microsoft Edge for different file types such as .htm, .html, etc.

But don’t worry, below few simple steps will make these problems fixed for you.

Step 1: First, navigate to the Default apps settings by entering "Default apps" in Windows search or go through Windows Button>Settings>Apps>Default apps.

Step 2: Find your intended default browser like Chrome, Opera etc.

Step 3: Now you will enter your clicked browser, select Microsoft Edge under HTTP subsection. As you click on it, a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 4: Select the browser you want to make default like Chrome, Opera etc.

Step 5: Now perform the same task under HTTPS subsections there despite it has already been changed to your new default. Repeat step 3 & step 4 for HTTPS here.

Step 6: Now what you need to do is to find .htm and .html by scrolling down and repeat the step 3 & step 4 here as well. This change will allow you to open all the URLs (ex. .htm, .html) in your new default browser. Also, make sure that these settings you have applied for other file types such as .shtml, .mhtml, .shtml manually through Open with option.

People also search: How to make Google Chrome as default browser.

Change Default Browser for Windows Search and News in Windows 11

As you may have experienced that the latest OS Windows 11 is a little careless to honour your choice and you have to take some extra steps for you, it also doesn’t care your new changes when you use Windows Search or any other widget in your PC to redirect a weblink, and unfortunately you will be taken to the same browser i.e. Microsoft Edge even you have already switched it earlier by following above steps, and they will open still your links in Microsoft Edge. So, just perform few simple steps from below and take enjoy of your choice.

Step 1: To do this, you need to download and install EdgeDeflector,  an open-source app by GitHub to help you cope with this.

Note that, attempting to download this program and then installing it in your PC, you will be confronted the warnings claiming this program unsafe. So, click on Keep during download. Also, click on Run anyway when the warning appears at installation by clicking on More info.

Step 2:  Navigate to the Default apps settings by entering "Default apps" in Windows Search or go through Windows Button>Settings>Apps>Default apps.

Step 3: Find EdgeDeflector and Click on it.

Step 4: As you will enter EdgeDeflector now, click Microsoft Edge. As you do this, a pop-up menu will appear.

Step 5: Click Switch anyway. As you do this, one more pop-up menu will appear.

Step 6: Now click EdgeDeflector in this pop-up menu and click OK.

Hope you have found this helpful and enjoying your new default browser in Windows 11.

Also Read: Windows 11 Minimum System Requirements

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