Writing a research paper has been a requirement of the Master's and PhD program and it has been an essential part of the postdoctoral research as well. While putting references and bibliography at the end of the research document has been standard of the paper. In other words, references and bibliography is the core of the research that demonstrate the quality of the research.
Generally, scholars and researchers take the help of Microsoft Word in order to write their required dissertation or thesis as the Microsoft Word has been professionally designed for such purposes and it has standard formats for everything. For ex. a researcher can add full citing details of his/her particular research source finding Manage Sources option in References section. Also, the researcher can add their saved sources at the end of the document using Insert Bibliography that allow an inspector, supervisor and reader to directly land on that particular source amid from the research in an easiest manner.
Usually a researcher easily inserts the Bibliography or References (see difference) one at a time the end of the document but inserting both together, may he/she finds a challenging one. Thus, a researcher manually (in static text rather than MS Word Citation format) tries to write all the sources. Further, the citation style that should be different for each: References and Bibliography, a researcher manually makes changes in them. In this case, therefore, a reader or supervisor may not easily reach to the citation because of the absence of that particular citing format.
But, don't worry, in this article I will explain step by step that how one can easily insert both References and Bibliography together at the end of the research document without losing the citation format and also, a researcher can use the separate style for both for ex. APA for References and Chicago for Bibliography.
Step 1: First of all, add all the work citations in MS Word>References>Manage Sources.
Step 3: Now, copy the inserted References by clicking 3 vertical dots at left of the inserted pane and paste the copied pane into a new document file. (See below)
Step 4: Now change the style of the pasted pane. Select any style different from the previous one from the References tab at the top as per the difference standard between References and Bibliography. Then, click the 📖 (Book icon) right after the '3 vertical dots' at the left corner of the pasted pane, and select the Bibliography. (see below)
Step 5: Now, copy the pane selecting from the left. Go to your original file where you have to insert it and paste the copied pane (Bibliography pane) right after the previous pane (References pane).
All is done!!!
Hope you have solved your problem.
If you don't understand this method, try to read again each step carefully and see the pictures as well.